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  • Colin Daniel. Author.

  • Josie Hughes. Author.

  • Valentin Lucet. Author.

  • Alex Embrey. Author.

  • Katie Birchard. Author, maintainer.

  • Leonardo Frid. Author.

  • Tabitha Kennedy. Author.

  • Shreeram Senthivasan. Author.

  • ApexRMS. Copyright holder.



Daniel C, Hughes J, Lucet V, Embrey A, Birchard K, Frid L, Kennedy T, Senthivasan S (2024). rsyncrosim: The R Interface to 'SyncroSim'. R package version 2.0.1, <>.

  title = {rsyncrosim: The R Interface to 'SyncroSim'},
  author = {Colin Daniel and Josie Hughes and Valentin Lucet and Alex Embrey and Katie Birchard and Leonardo Frid and Tabitha Kennedy and Shreeram Senthivasan},
  year = {2024},
  note = {R package version 2.0.1},
  url = {<>},