rsyncrosim: introduction to pipelines
This vignette will cover how to implement model pipelines using the
package within the
SyncroSim software
framework. For an overview of
SyncroSim and
as well as a basic usage tutorial for rsyncrosim
, see the
to rsyncrosim
vignette. To learn how to use iterations
in the rsyncrosim
interface, see the
introduction to uncertainty vignette.
SyncroSim Package: helloworldPipeline
To demonstrate how to link models in a pipeline using the
interface, we will need the
SyncroSim package. helloworldPipeline
was designed to be a
simple package to introduce pipelines to SyncroSim modeling workflows.
Models (i.e. transformers) connected by pipelines allow the user to
implement multiple transformers in a modeling workflow and access
intermediate outputs of a transformer without having to create multiple
The package takes from the user 3 inputs, mMean, mSD, and b. For each iteration, a value m, representing the slope, is sampled from a normal distribution with mean of mMean and standard deviation of mSD. The b value represents the intercept. In the first model in the pipeline, these input values are run through a linear model, y=mt+b, where t is time, and the y value is returned as output. The second model takes y as input and calculates the cumulative sum of y over time, returning a new variable yCum as output.

For more details on the different features of the
SyncroSim package, consult the SyncroSim
a Package: Linking Models tutorial.
Install SyncroSim
Before using rsyncrosim
you will first need to
download and
install the SyncroSim software. Versions of SyncroSim exist for both
Windows and Linux.
Note: this tutorial was developed using
version 2.0. To use rsyncrosim
version 2.0 or greater, SyncroSim version 3.0 or greater is
Installing and loading R packages
You will need to install the rsyncrosim
R package,
either using
CRAN or from
the rsyncrosim
repository. Versions of rsyncrosim
are available for
both Windows and Linux.
In a new R script, load the rsyncrosim
# Load R package for working with SyncroSim
Connecting R to SyncroSim using session()
Finish setting up the R environment for the rsyncrosim
workflow by creating a SyncroSim Session object. Use the
function to connect R to your installed copy of
the SyncroSim software.
mySession <- session("path/to/install_folder") # Create a Session based SyncroSim install folder
mySession <- session() # Using default install folder (Windows only)
mySession # Displays the Session object
## class : Session
## filepath [character]: C:/Program Files/SyncroSim Studio
## silent [logical] : TRUE
## printCmd [logical] : FALSE
## condaFilepath [NULL]:
Use the version()
function to ensure you are using the
latest version of SyncroSim.
## [1] "3.0.25"
Installing SyncroSim packages using
Install helloworldPipeline
using the
function installPackage()
. This
function takes a package name as input and then queries the SyncroSim
package server for the specified package.
# Install helloworldPipeline
## Package <helloworldPipeline v2.0.0> installed
should now be included in the package
list returned by the packages()
function in
# Get list of installed packages
## name version
## 1 helloworldPipeline 2.0.0
## description
## 1 Example demonstrating how to use pipelines with an R model
## location
## 1 C:\\Users\\birch\\AppData\\Local\\SyncroSim Studio\\Packages\\helloworldPipeline\\2.0.0
## status
## 1 OK
Create a modeling workflow
When creating a new modeling workflow from scratch, we need to create objects of the following scopes:
For more information on these scopes, see the Introduction
to rsyncrosim
Set up library, project, and scenario
# Create a new library
myLibrary <- ssimLibrary(name = "helloworldLibrary.ssim",
session = mySession,
packages = "helloworldPipeline",
overwrite = TRUE)
## Package <helloworldPipeline v2.0.0> added
View model inputs using datasheet()
View the datasheets associated with your new scenario using the
function from rsyncrosim
# View all datasheets associated with a library, project, or scenario
## scope name displayName
## 25 scenario core_DistributionValue Distributions
## 26 scenario core_ExternalVariableValue External Variables
## 27 scenario core_Pipeline Pipeline
## 28 scenario core_SpatialMultiprocessing Spatial Multiprocessing
## 29 scenario helloworldPipeline_InputDatasheet Inputs
## 30 scenario helloworldPipeline_IntermediateDatasheet Intermediate Outputs
## 31 scenario helloworldPipeline_OutputDatasheet Outputs
## 32 scenario helloworldPipeline_RunControl Run Control
From the list of datasheets above, we can see that there are four
datasheets specific to the helloworldPipeline
including an Inputs
datasheet, an
Intermediate Outputs
datasheet, and an Outputs
datasheet. These three datasheets are connected by transformers. The
values from the Inputs
datasheet are used as the input for
the first transformer, which transforms the input data to
output data through a series of model calculations. The output data from
the first transformer is contained within the
Intermediate Outputs
datasheet. The values from the
Intermediate Outputs
datasheet are then used as input for
the second transformer. The output from the second transformer is stored
in the Outputs
Configure model inputs using datasheet()
Currently our input scenario datasheets are empty! We need to add
some values to our Inputs
) and Run Control datasheet
) so we can run our model. We also need to add
some information to the core Pipeline
datasheet to specify
which transformers are run in which order.
Inputs Datasheet
First, assign the contents of the Inputs
datasheet to a
new data frame variable using datasheet()
, then check the
columns that need input values.
# Load Inputs datasheet to a new R data frame
myInputDataframe <- datasheet(myScenario,
name = "helloworldPipeline_InputDatasheet")
# Check the columns of the input data frame
## 'data.frame': 0 obs. of 3 variables:
## $ mMean: num
## $ mSD : num
## $ b : num
The Inputs
datasheet requires three values:
: the mean of the slope normal distribution. -
: the standard deviation of the slope normal distribution. -
: the intercept of the linear equation.
Add these values to a new data frame, then use the
function from rsyncrosim
to update
the input data frame
# Create input data and add it to the input data frame
myInputRow <- data.frame(mMean = 2, mSD = 4, b = 3)
myInputDataframe <- addRow(myInputDataframe, myInputRow)
# Check values
## mMean mSD b
## 1 2 4 3
Finally, save the updated R data frame to a SyncroSim datasheet using
# Save input R data frame to a SyncroSim datasheet
saveDatasheet(ssimObject = myScenario,
data = myInputDataframe,
name = "helloworldPipeline_InputDatasheet")
## Datasheet <helloworldPipeline_InputDatasheet> saved
Run Control Datasheet
The Run Control
datasheet provides information about how
many time steps and iterations to use in the model. Here, we set the
number of iterations, as well as the minimum and maximum time steps for
our model. Let’s take a look at the columns that need input values.
# Load Run Control datasheet to a new R data frame
runSettings <- datasheet(myScenario, name = "helloworldPipeline_RunControl")
# Check the columns of the Run Control data frame
## 'data.frame': 0 obs. of 3 variables:
## $ MinimumTimestep : num
## $ MaximumTimestep : num
## $ MaximumIteration: num
The Run Control datasheet requires the following 3 columns:
: total number of iterations to run the model for. -
: the starting time point of the simulation. -
: the end time point of the simulation.
Note: A fourth hidden column, MinimumIteration
also exists in the Run Control datasheet (default=1).
We’ll add this information to a new data frame and then add it to the
Run Control data frame using addRow()
# Create Run Control data and add it to the Run Control data frame
runSettingsRow <- data.frame(MaximumIteration = 5,
MinimumTimestep = 1,
MaximumTimestep = 10)
runSettings <- addRow(runSettings, runSettingsRow)
# Check values
## MinimumTimestep MaximumTimestep MaximumIteration
## 1 1 10 5
Finally, save the R data frame to a SyncroSim datasheet using
# Save Run Control R data frame to a SyncroSim datasheet
saveDatasheet(ssimObject = myScenario, data = runSettings,
name = "helloworldPipeline_RunControl")
## Datasheet <helloworldPipeline_RunControl> saved
Pipeline Datasheet
To implement pipelines in our package, we need to specify the order
in which to run the transformers in our pipeline by adding data to the
datasheet. The Pipeline
datasheet is
a built-in SyncroSim datasheet, meaning that it comes with every
SyncroSim library regardless of which packages that library uses. We
access it using the “core_” prefix with the datasheet()
From viewing the structure of the Pipeline
datasheet we
know that the StageNameId
is a factor with two levels:
- Hello World Pipeline 1 (R)
- Hello World Pipeline 2 (R)
We will set the data for this datasheet such that
Hello World Pipeline 1 (R)
is run first, then
Hello World Pipeline 2 (R)
. This way, the output from
Hello World Pipeline 1 (R)
is used as the input for
Hello World Pipeline 2 (R)
# Load Pipeline datasheet to a new R data frame
myPipelineDataframe <- datasheet(myScenario, name = "core_Pipeline")
# Check the columns of the Pipeline data frame
## 'data.frame': 0 obs. of 2 variables:
## $ StageNameId: Factor w/ 2 levels "Hello World Pipeline 1 (R)",..:
## $ RunOrder : num
# Create Pipeline data and add it to the Pipeline data frame
myPipelineRow <- data.frame(StageNameId = c("Hello World Pipeline 1 (R)",
"Hello World Pipeline 2 (R)"),
RunOrder = c(1, 2))
myPipelineDataframe <- addRow(myPipelineDataframe, myPipelineRow)
# Check values
## StageNameId RunOrder
## 1 Hello World Pipeline 1 (R) 1
## 2 Hello World Pipeline 2 (R) 2
# Save Pipeline R data frame to a SyncroSim datasheet
saveDatasheet(ssimObject = myScenario, data = myPipelineDataframe,
name = "core_Pipeline")
## Datasheet <core_Pipeline> saved
Run Scenarios
Setting run parameters with run()
We will now run our scenario using the run()
function in
If we have a large model and we want to parallelize the run using multiprocessing, we can modify the library-scoped “core_Multiprocessing” datasheet. Since we are using five iterations in our model, we will set the number of jobs to five so each multiprocessing core will run a single iteration.
# Load list of available library-scoped datasheets
## scope name displayName
## 1 library core_Backup Backup
## 2 library core_JlConfig Julia
## 3 library core_Multiprocessing Multiprocessing
## 4 library core_Option Options
## 5 library core_ProcessorGroupOption Processor Group Options
## 6 library core_ProcessorGroupValue Processor Group Values
## 7 library core_PyConfig Python
## 8 library core_RConfig R
## 9 library core_Setting Settings
## 10 library core_SpatialMultiprocessingOption Spatial Multiprocessing Option
## 11 library core_SpatialOption Spatial Options
## 12 library core_SysFolder Folders
## 13 library core_Terminology Terminology
# Load the library-scoped multiprocessing datasheet
multiprocess <- datasheet(myLibrary, name = "core_Multiprocessing")
# Check required inputs
## 'data.frame': 1 obs. of 4 variables:
## $ EnableMultiprocessing : logi FALSE
## $ MaximumJobs : num 7
## $ EnableMultiScenario : logi FALSE
## $ EnableCopyExternalFiles: logi NA
# Enable multiprocessing
multiprocess$EnableMultiprocessing <- TRUE
# Set maximum number of jobs to 5
multiprocess$MaximumJobs <- 5
# Save multiprocessing configuration
saveDatasheet(ssimObject = myLibrary,
data = multiprocess,
name = "core_Multiprocessing")
## Datasheet <core_Multiprocessing> saved
Now, when we run our scenario, it will use the desired multiprocessing configuration.
# Run the first scenario we created
myResultScenario <- run(myScenario)
## [1] "Running scenario [1] My first scenario"
Once the run is complete, we can compare the original scenario to the
result scenario to see which datasheets have been modified. Using the
function with the optional
argument set to TRUE
, we see that data has been added to
both the Intermediate Outputs
and Outputs
datasheets after running the scenario (see data
# Datasheets for original scenario
datasheet(myScenario, optional = TRUE)
## scope package name
## 5 scenario core core_DistributionValue
## 7 scenario core core_ExternalVariableValue
## 15 scenario core core_Pipeline
## 21 scenario core core_SpatialMultiprocessing
## 29 scenario helloworldPipeline helloworldPipeline_InputDatasheet
## 30 scenario helloworldPipeline helloworldPipeline_IntermediateDatasheet
## 31 scenario helloworldPipeline helloworldPipeline_OutputDatasheet
## 32 scenario helloworldPipeline helloworldPipeline_RunControl
## displayName isSingle displayMember data scenario
## 5 Distributions FALSE N/A FALSE 1
## 7 External Variables FALSE N/A FALSE 1
## 15 Pipeline FALSE N/A TRUE 1
## 21 Spatial Multiprocessing TRUE N/A FALSE 1
## 29 Inputs TRUE N/A TRUE 1
## 30 Intermediate Outputs FALSE N/A FALSE 1
## 31 Outputs FALSE N/A FALSE 1
## 32 Run Control TRUE N/A TRUE 1
# Datasheets for result scenario
datasheet(myResultScenario, optional = TRUE)
## scope package name
## 5 scenario core core_DistributionValue
## 7 scenario core core_ExternalVariableValue
## 15 scenario core core_Pipeline
## 21 scenario core core_SpatialMultiprocessing
## 29 scenario helloworldPipeline helloworldPipeline_InputDatasheet
## 30 scenario helloworldPipeline helloworldPipeline_IntermediateDatasheet
## 31 scenario helloworldPipeline helloworldPipeline_OutputDatasheet
## 32 scenario helloworldPipeline helloworldPipeline_RunControl
## displayName isSingle displayMember data scenario
## 5 Distributions FALSE N/A FALSE 1
## 7 External Variables FALSE N/A FALSE 1
## 15 Pipeline FALSE N/A TRUE 1
## 21 Spatial Multiprocessing TRUE N/A FALSE 1
## 29 Inputs TRUE N/A TRUE 1
## 30 Intermediate Outputs FALSE N/A TRUE 1
## 31 Outputs FALSE N/A TRUE 1
## 32 Run Control TRUE N/A TRUE 1
View results
The next step is to view the output datasheets added to the result scenario when it was run.
Viewing intermediate results with datasheet()
First, we will view the Intermediate Outputs
from the result scenario. We can load the result tables using the
function. The Intermediate Outputs
datasheet corresponds to the results from the
Hello World Pipeline 1
transformer stage.
# Results of first scenario
resultsSummary <- datasheet(myResultScenario,
name = "helloworldPipeline_IntermediateDatasheet")
# View results table
## Iteration Timestep y
## 1 1 1 3.514867
## 2 1 2 4.029735
## 3 1 3 4.544602
## 4 1 4 5.059470
## 5 1 5 5.574337
## 6 1 6 6.089205
We can see that for every timestep in an iteration we have a new value of y corresponding to y=mt+b.
Viewing final results with datasheet()
Now, we will view the final output datasheet from the result
scenario. Again, we will use datasheet()
to load the result
table. The Outputs
datasheet corresponds to the results
from the Hello World Pipeline 2
transformer stage.
# Results of first scenario
resultsSummary <- datasheet(myResultScenario,
name = "helloworldPipeline_OutputDatasheet")
# View results table
## Iteration Timestep yCum
## 1 1 1 3.514867
## 2 1 2 7.544602
## 3 1 3 12.089205
## 4 1 4 17.148674
## 5 1 5 22.723011
## 6 1 6 28.812216
We can see for each timestep in an iteration, we have a new value of yCum, representing the cumulative value of y over time.