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Delete Project, Scenario, Folder, Chart or Datasheet


  project = NULL,
  scenario = NULL,
  folder = NULL,
  chart = NULL,
  datasheet = NULL,
  force = FALSE,
  session = NULL

# S4 method for class 'SsimObject'
  project = NULL,
  scenario = NULL,
  folder = NULL,
  chart = NULL,
  datasheet = NULL,
  force = FALSE,
  session = NULL



SsimLibrary, Project, Scenario, Folder, or Chart object


character string, numeric, or vector of these. One or more Project names or ids. Note that project argument is ignored if ssimObject is a list. Note that integer ids are slightly faster (optional)


character string, numeric, or vector of these. One or more Scenario names or ids. Note that scenario argument is ignored if ssimObject is a list. Note that integer ids are slightly faster (optional)


character string, numeric, or vector of these. One or more Folder names or ids. Note that folder argument is ignored if ssimObject is a list. Note that integer ids are slightly faster (optional)


character string, numeric, or vector of these. One or more Chart names or ids. Note that chart argument is ignored if SsimObject is a list. Note that integer ids are slightly faster (optional)


character string or vector of these. One or more datasheet names (optional)


logical. If FALSE (default), user will be prompted to approve removal of each item


Session object. If NULL (default), session() will be used. Only applicable when ssimObject argument is a character


Invisibly returns a list of boolean values corresponding to each input: TRUE upon success (i.e.successful deletion) and FALSE upon failure.


Deletes one or more items. Note that this is irreversible. To delete a library, you must use the deleteLibrary function instead.


# \donttest{
# Specify file path and name of new SsimLibrary
myLibraryName <- file.path(tempdir(), "testlib")

# Set up a SyncroSim Session, SsimLibrary, and Project
mySession <- session()
#> Error in .local(.Object, ...): SyncroSim v3.0.22 is required to run rsyncrosim v2.0.2 but you have SyncroSim v3.0.21 installed.
myLibrary <- ssimLibrary(name = myLibraryName, session = mySession)
<<<<<<< HEAD
#> Warning: The following package associated with this library is not properly installed: stsim v4.3.5
#> 	Use installPackage(packages = 'stsim', versions = '4.3.5') to install.
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'mySession' not found
>>>>>>> fb34e39bea17a5f1fc157077bb2f2ea48013f3bc
myProject <- project(myLibrary, project = "a project")
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'myLibrary' not found

# Check the Projects associated with this SsimLibrary
<<<<<<< HEAD
#>   ProjectId        Name Owner IsReadOnly IsActive      DateLastModified
#> 2        16   a project   N/A         No       No 2025-03-25 at 4:31 PM
#> 1         1 Definitions   N/A         No       No 2025-03-25 at 4:31 PM

# Delete Project
delete(myLibrary, project = "a project", force = TRUE)
#> Project 16 deleted

# Check that Project was successfully deleted from SsimLibrary
#>   ProjectId        Name Owner IsReadOnly IsActive      DateLastModified
#> 1         1 Definitions   N/A         No       No 2025-03-25 at 4:31 PM
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'myLibrary' not found

# Delete Project
delete(myLibrary, project = "a project", force = TRUE)
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'ssimObject' in selecting a method for function 'delete': object 'myLibrary' not found

# Check that Project was successfully deleted from SsimLibrary
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'myLibrary' not found
>>>>>>> fb34e39bea17a5f1fc157077bb2f2ea48013f3bc
# }