column = NULL,
scenario = NULL,
iteration = NULL,
timestep = NULL,
filterColumn = NULL,
filterValue = NULL,
subset = NULL,
forceElements = FALSE,
pathOnly = FALSE
# S4 method for character
column = NULL,
scenario = NULL,
iteration = NULL,
timestep = NULL,
filterColumn = NULL,
filterValue = NULL,
subset = NULL,
forceElements = FALSE,
pathOnly = FALSE
# S4 method for list
column = NULL,
scenario = NULL,
iteration = NULL,
timestep = NULL,
filterColumn = NULL,
filterValue = NULL,
subset = NULL,
forceElements = FALSE,
pathOnly = FALSE
# S4 method for SsimObject
column = NULL,
scenario = NULL,
iteration = NULL,
timestep = NULL,
filterColumn = NULL,
filterValue = NULL,
subset = NULL,
forceElements = FALSE,
pathOnly = FALSE
# S4 method for Scenario
column = NULL,
scenario = NULL,
iteration = NULL,
timestep = NULL,
filterColumn = NULL,
filterValue = NULL,
subset = NULL,
forceElements = FALSE,
pathOnly = FALSE
SsimLibrary/Project/Scenario object or list of Scenario objects. If
SsimLibrary/Project, then scenario
argument is required
character string. The name of the Datasheet containing the raster data
character string. The name of the column in the datasheet containing
the file names for raster data. If NULL
(default) then use the first
column that contains raster file names
character string, integer, or vector of these. The Scenarios to include. Required if SsimObject is an SsimLibrary/Project, ignored if SsimObject is a list of Scenarios (optional)
integer, character string, or vector of integer/character strings.
Iteration(s) to include. If NULL
(default) then all iterations are
included. If no Iteration column is in the Datasheet, then ignored
integer, character string, or vector of integer/character string.
Timestep(s) to include. If NULL
(default) then all timesteps are
included. If no Timestep column is in the Datasheet, then ignored
character string. The column to filter a Datasheet by.
(e.g. "TransitionGroupID"). Note that to use the filterColumn argument,
you must also specify a filterValue. Default is NULL
character string or integer. The value of the filterColumn
to filter the Datasheet by. To use the filterValue argument, you must
also specify a filterColumn. Default is NULL
logical expression indicating Datasheet rows to return. e.g. expression(grepl("Ts0001", Filename, fixed=T)). See subset() for details (optional)
logical. If TRUE
then returns a single raster as a RasterStack;
otherwise returns a single raster as a RasterLayer directly. Default is
logical. If TRUE
then returns a list of filepaths to the raster
files on disk. Default is FALSE
A RasterLayer, RasterStack or RasterBrick object, or List. See raster package documentation for details.
Please use datasheetSpatRaster
This function retrieves spatial columns from one or more SyncroSim
The names of the returned raster stack contain metadata. For Datasheets without Filename this is:
paste0(<datasheet name>,".Scn",<scenario id>,".",<tif name>)
For Datasheets containing Filename this is:
paste0(<datasheet name>,".Scn",<scenario id>,".It",<iteration>,".Ts",<timestep>)
if (FALSE) {
# Install the helloworldSpatial package from the server
# Specify file path and name of new SsimLibrary
myLibraryName <- file.path(tempdir(), "testlib_datasheetRaster")
# Set up a SyncroSim Session
mySession <- session()
# Use the example template library from helloworldSpatial
myLibrary <- ssimLibrary(name = myLibraryName,
session = mySession,
package = "helloworldSpatial",
template = "example-library",
forceUpdate = TRUE,
# Set up Project and Scenario
myProject <- project(myLibrary, project = "Definitions")
myScenario <- scenario(myProject, scenario = "My Scenario")
# Run Scenario to generate results
resultScenario <- run(myScenario)
# Extract specific Datasheet rasters by iteration and timestep
resultRaster <- datasheetRaster(resultScenario,
datasheet = "IntermediateDatasheet",
column = "OutputRasterFile",
iteration = 3,
timestep = 2
# Extract specific Datasheet rasters using pattern matching
resultDatasheet <- datasheet(resultScenario, name = "IntermediateDatasheet")
outputRasterPaths <- resultDatasheet$OutputRasterFile
resultRaster <- datasheetRaster(resultScenario,
datasheet = "IntermediateDatasheet",
column = "OutputRasterFile",
subset = expression(grepl("ts20",
fixed = TRUE))
# Return the raster Datasheets as a raster stack
resultRaster <- datasheetRaster(resultScenario,
datasheet = "IntermediateDatasheet",
column = "OutputRasterFile",
forceElements = TRUE
# Filter for only rasters that fit specific criteria
# Load the ST-Sim spatial example library
# Set the file path and name of the new SsimLibrary
myLibraryName <- file.path(tempdir(),"testlib_stsim_datasheet")
# Set the SyncroSim Session
mySession <- session()
# Create a new SsimLibrary with the example template from ST-Sim
myLibrary <- ssimLibrary(name = myLibraryName,
session = mySession,
package = "stsim",
template = "spatial-example",
forceUpdate = TRUE)
myScenario <- scenario(myLibrary, scenario = 16)
# Run Scenario to generate results
resultScenario <- run(myScenario)
resultRaster <- datasheetRaster(resultScenario,
datasheet = "stsim_OutputSpatialState",
timestep = 5,
iteration = 5,
filterColumn = "TransitionTypeID",
filterValue = "Fire")