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Adds package(s) to a SsimLibrary.


addPackage(ssimLibrary, packages, versions = NULL, forceUpdate = FALSE)

# S4 method for class 'character'
addPackage(ssimLibrary, packages, versions = NULL, forceUpdate = FALSE)

# S4 method for class 'SsimLibrary'
addPackage(ssimLibrary, packages, versions = NULL, forceUpdate = FALSE)



SsimLibrary object


character string or vector of package name(s)


character string or vector of package version(s). If NULL then uses the latest installed version of the package


logical. If FALSE (default) user will be prompted to approve any required updates. If TRUE, required updates will be applied silently.


Invisibly returns TRUE upon success (i.e.successful addition of the package) or FALSE upon failure.

See also


# \donttest{
# Install "stsim" and "stsimecodep" SyncroSim packages
installPackage(packages = c("stsim", "stsim"),
               versions = c("4.0.0", "4.0.1"))
#> [1] "Package stsim v4.0.0 is not available from package server."
#> Package <stsim v4.0.1> installed
#> [1] "Package stsimecodep v4.0.0 is already installed."

# Specify file path and name of new SsimLibrary
myLibraryName <- file.path(tempdir(), "testlib")

# Set up a SyncroSim Session, SsimLibrary, and Project
mySession <- session()
myLibrary <- ssimLibrary(name = myLibraryName, session = mySession)

# Add package
addPackage(myLibrary, packages = "stsim", versions = "4.0.1")
#> Package <stsim v4.0.1> added
addPackage(myLibrary, packages = "stsimecodep")
#> Package <stsimecodep v4.0.0> added
#>          name
#> 1        core
#> 2       stsim
#> 3 stsimecodep
#>                                                                         description
#> 1                                                            SyncroSim Core Package
#> 2                                  The ST-Sim state-and-transition simulation model
#> 3 Calculates TNC's unified ecological departure from reference conditions in ST-Sim
#>   version schema
#> 1  3.0.21      3
#> 2   4.0.1      4
#> 3   4.0.0      4
#>                                                                                   status
#> 1                                                                                     OK
#> 2                                                                                     OK
#> 3 Info - The 'stsimecodep' Package was built for version '4.0.0' of the 'stsim' Package.

# Change package version
addPackage(myLibrary, packages = "stsim", versions = "4.0.0")
#> [1] "Package stsim v4.0.0 is not among the available packages."
addPackage(myLibrary, packages = "stsim", versions = "4.0.1")
#> [1] "stsim v4.0.1 has already been added to the ssimLibrary"

# Remove package
removePackage(myLibrary, packages = c("stsim", "stsimecodep"))
#> Package <stsim> removed
#> Package <stsimecodep> removed
#>   name            description version schema status
#> 1 core SyncroSim Core Package  3.0.21      3     OK
# }