Updates a SyncroSim package.

updatePackage(name = NULL, session = NULL, listonly = FALSE)

# S4 method for ANY,character
updatePackage(name = NULL, session = NULL, listonly = FALSE)

# S4 method for ANY,missingOrNULL
updatePackage(name = NULL, session = NULL, listonly = FALSE)

# S4 method for ANY,Session
updatePackage(name = NULL, session = NULL, listonly = FALSE)



character string. The name of the package to update. If NULL (default), all packages will be updated


Session object. If NULL (default), session() is used


logical. If TRUE, available updates are listed only. Default is FALSE


Invisibly returns TRUE upon success (i.e.successful update) and FALSE upon failure.


# \donttest{
# Set SyncroSim Session
mySession <- session()

# List all available updates for a package
updatePackage(name = "stsim", session = mySession, listonly = TRUE)

# Update ST-Sim package
updatePackage(name = "stsim", session = mySession, listonly = FALSE)
#> No updates available for package 'stsim'.

# Update all packages
updatePackage(session = mySession)
#> Update all packages? (y/n)
#> Update process skipped
# }