Methods to create or return a SyncroSim Session.

session(x = NULL, silent = TRUE, printCmd = FALSE)

# S4 method for missingOrNULLOrChar
session(x = NULL, silent = TRUE, printCmd = FALSE)

# S4 method for SsimObject
session(x = NULL, silent = TRUE, printCmd = FALSE)

# S4 method for Folder
session(x = NULL, silent = TRUE, printCmd = FALSE)

session(ssimObject) <- value

# S4 method for NULLOrChar
session(ssimObject) <- value

# S4 method for SsimObject
session(ssimObject) <- value



character or SsimObject. Path to SyncroSim installation. If NULL (default), then default path is used


logical. Applies only if x is a path or NULL If TRUE, warnings from the console are ignored. Otherwise they are printed. Default is FALSE


logical. Applies only if x is a path or NULL If TRUE, arguments passed to the SyncroSim console are also printed. Helpful for debugging. Default is FALSE


Project or Scenario object


Session object


A SyncroSim Session object.


In order to avoid problems with SyncroSim version compatibility and SsimLibrary updating, the new Session must have the same filepath as the Session of the SsimObject e.g. filepath(value)==filepath(session(ssimObject)). Therefore, the only time when you will need to set a new SyncroSim Session is if you have updated the SyncroSim software and want to update an existing SsimObject to use the new software.


# \donttest{
# Specify file path and name of new SsimLibrary
myLibraryName <- file.path(tempdir(), "testlib")

# Set up a SyncroSim Session, SsimLibrary, and Project
mySession <- session()
myLibrary <- ssimLibrary(name = myLibraryName, session = mySession)
myProject <- project(myLibrary, project = "Definitions")

# Lists the folder location of SyncroSim Session
#> [1] "C:/Program Files/SyncroSim"

# Lists the version of SyncroSim Session
#> [1] "2.4.44"

# Data frame of the packages installed with this version of SyncroSim
#>                    name
#> 1            burnP3Plus
#> 2   burnP3PlusCell2Fire
#> 3  burnP3PlusPrometheus
#> 4            helloworld
#> 5    helloworldPipeline
#> 6     helloworldSpatial
#> 7        helloworldTime
#> 8            prioritizr
#> 9                 stsim
#> 10         stsimcbmcfs3
#> 11              stsimsf
#> 12                wisdm
#>                                                                                                       description
#> 1                                                                  Burn-P3+ package for burn probability modeling
#> 2                                                          Cell2Fire fire growth model add-on package for BurnP3+
#> 3                                                         Prometheus fire growth model add-on package for BurnP3+
#> 4                                                                   Example demonstrating how to create a package
#> 5                                                                      Example demonstrating how to use pipelines
#> 6                                                                   Example demonstrating how to use spatial data
#> 7                                                                      Example demonstrating how to use timesteps
#> 8                                                                                Systematic conservation planning
#> 9                                                                The ST-Sim state-and-transition simulation model
#> 10 Integrates the Carbon Budget Model for the Canadian Forest Sector (CBM-CFS3) into the ST-Sim simulation model.
#> 11                                                   Integrates stocks and flows into the ST-Sim simulation model
#> 12                                                         Workbench for Integrated Species Distribution Modeling
#>    version                                                    location status
#> 1    1.0.0           C:\\Users\\birch\\SyncroSim\\Packages\\burnP3Plus     OK
#> 2    1.0.0  C:\\Users\\birch\\SyncroSim\\Packages\\burnP3PlusCell2Fire     OK
#> 3    1.0.0 C:\\Users\\birch\\SyncroSim\\Packages\\burnP3PlusPrometheus     OK
#> 4    1.0.1           C:\\Users\\birch\\SyncroSim\\Packages\\helloworld     OK
#> 5    1.0.0   C:\\Users\\birch\\SyncroSim\\Packages\\helloworldPipeline     OK
#> 6    1.0.6    C:\\Users\\birch\\SyncroSim\\Packages\\helloworldSpatial     OK
#> 7    1.0.0       C:\\Users\\birch\\SyncroSim\\Packages\\helloworldTime     OK
#> 8    1.0.0           C:\\Users\\birch\\SyncroSim\\Packages\\prioritizr     OK
#> 9   3.3.14                C:\\Users\\birch\\SyncroSim\\Packages\\stsim     OK
#> 10  1.0.17         C:\\Users\\birch\\SyncroSim\\Packages\\stsimcbmcfs3     OK
#> 11  3.3.15              C:\\Users\\birch\\SyncroSim\\Packages\\stsimsf     OK
#> 12  1.0.13                C:\\Users\\birch\\SyncroSim\\Packages\\wisdm     OK

# Data frame of the base packages installed with this version of SyncroSim
package(mySession, installed = "BASE") 
#>                 name                                            description
#> 1         burnP3Plus         Burn-P3+ package for burn probability modeling
#> 2         helloworld          Example demonstrating how to create a package
#> 3 helloworldPipeline             Example demonstrating how to use pipelines
#> 4  helloworldSpatial          Example demonstrating how to use spatial data
#> 5     helloworldTime             Example demonstrating how to use timesteps
#> 6         prioritizr                       Systematic conservation planning
#> 7              stsim       The ST-Sim state-and-transition simulation model
#> 8              wisdm Workbench for Integrated Species Distribution Modeling
#>   version
#> 1   1.0.0
#> 2   1.0.1
#> 3   1.0.0
#> 4   1.0.6
#> 5   1.0.0
#> 6   1.0.0
#> 7  3.3.14
#> 8  1.0.13

# Set a new SyncroSim Session for the SyncroSim Project
session(myProject) <- session(x = filepath(session(myProject)))
# }