Methods to create or return a SyncroSim Session
session(x = NULL, silent = TRUE, printCmd = FALSE)
# S4 method for missingOrNULLOrChar
session(x = NULL, silent = TRUE, printCmd = FALSE)
# S4 method for SsimObject
session(x = NULL, silent = TRUE, printCmd = FALSE)
# S4 method for Folder
session(x = NULL, silent = TRUE, printCmd = FALSE)
session(ssimObject) <- value
# S4 method for NULLOrChar
session(ssimObject) <- value
# S4 method for SsimObject
session(ssimObject) <- value
character or SsimObject. Path to SyncroSim installation. If NULL
(default), then default path is used
logical. Applies only if x is a path or NULL
, warnings
from the console are ignored. Otherwise they are printed. Default is FALSE
logical. Applies only if x is a path or NULL
arguments passed to the SyncroSim console are also printed. Helpful for
debugging. Default is FALSE
A SyncroSim Session
In order to avoid problems with SyncroSim version compatibility and SsimLibrary
updating, the new Session must have the same filepath as the Session of the
e.g. filepath(value)==filepath(session(ssimObject))
Therefore, the only time when you will need to set a new SyncroSim Session is if you
have updated the SyncroSim software and want to update an existing SsimObject
to use the new software.
# \donttest{
# Specify file path and name of new SsimLibrary
myLibraryName <- file.path(tempdir(), "testlib")
# Set up a SyncroSim Session, SsimLibrary, and Project
mySession <- session()
myLibrary <- ssimLibrary(name = myLibraryName, session = mySession)
myProject <- project(myLibrary, project = "Definitions")
# Lists the folder location of SyncroSim Session
#> [1] "C:/Program Files/SyncroSim"
# Lists the version of SyncroSim Session
#> [1] "2.4.44"
# Data frame of the packages installed with this version of SyncroSim
#> name
#> 1 burnP3Plus
#> 2 burnP3PlusCell2Fire
#> 3 burnP3PlusPrometheus
#> 4 helloworld
#> 5 helloworldPipeline
#> 6 helloworldSpatial
#> 7 helloworldTime
#> 8 prioritizr
#> 9 stsim
#> 10 stsimcbmcfs3
#> 11 stsimsf
#> 12 wisdm
#> description
#> 1 Burn-P3+ package for burn probability modeling
#> 2 Cell2Fire fire growth model add-on package for BurnP3+
#> 3 Prometheus fire growth model add-on package for BurnP3+
#> 4 Example demonstrating how to create a package
#> 5 Example demonstrating how to use pipelines
#> 6 Example demonstrating how to use spatial data
#> 7 Example demonstrating how to use timesteps
#> 8 Systematic conservation planning
#> 9 The ST-Sim state-and-transition simulation model
#> 10 Integrates the Carbon Budget Model for the Canadian Forest Sector (CBM-CFS3) into the ST-Sim simulation model.
#> 11 Integrates stocks and flows into the ST-Sim simulation model
#> 12 Workbench for Integrated Species Distribution Modeling
#> version location status
#> 1 1.0.0 C:\\Users\\birch\\SyncroSim\\Packages\\burnP3Plus OK
#> 2 1.0.0 C:\\Users\\birch\\SyncroSim\\Packages\\burnP3PlusCell2Fire OK
#> 3 1.0.0 C:\\Users\\birch\\SyncroSim\\Packages\\burnP3PlusPrometheus OK
#> 4 1.0.1 C:\\Users\\birch\\SyncroSim\\Packages\\helloworld OK
#> 5 1.0.0 C:\\Users\\birch\\SyncroSim\\Packages\\helloworldPipeline OK
#> 6 1.0.6 C:\\Users\\birch\\SyncroSim\\Packages\\helloworldSpatial OK
#> 7 1.0.0 C:\\Users\\birch\\SyncroSim\\Packages\\helloworldTime OK
#> 8 1.0.0 C:\\Users\\birch\\SyncroSim\\Packages\\prioritizr OK
#> 9 3.3.14 C:\\Users\\birch\\SyncroSim\\Packages\\stsim OK
#> 10 1.0.17 C:\\Users\\birch\\SyncroSim\\Packages\\stsimcbmcfs3 OK
#> 11 3.3.15 C:\\Users\\birch\\SyncroSim\\Packages\\stsimsf OK
#> 12 1.0.13 C:\\Users\\birch\\SyncroSim\\Packages\\wisdm OK
# Data frame of the base packages installed with this version of SyncroSim
package(mySession, installed = "BASE")
#> name description
#> 1 burnP3Plus Burn-P3+ package for burn probability modeling
#> 2 helloworld Example demonstrating how to create a package
#> 3 helloworldPipeline Example demonstrating how to use pipelines
#> 4 helloworldSpatial Example demonstrating how to use spatial data
#> 5 helloworldTime Example demonstrating how to use timesteps
#> 6 prioritizr Systematic conservation planning
#> 7 stsim The ST-Sim state-and-transition simulation model
#> 8 wisdm Workbench for Integrated Species Distribution Modeling
#> version
#> 1 1.0.0
#> 2 1.0.1
#> 3 1.0.0
#> 4 1.0.6
#> 5 1.0.0
#> 6 1.0.0
#> 7 3.3.14
#> 8 1.0.13
# Set a new SyncroSim Session for the SyncroSim Project
session(myProject) <- session(x = filepath(session(myProject)))
# }