This function installs a package to the SyncroSim Session. If only the package name is provided as input, the function queries the SyncroSim package server for the specified package. If a file path is provided as input, the function adds a package to SyncroSim from a local package file (ends in ".ssimpkg"). The list of SyncroSim packages can be found here.

addPackage(name, session = NULL)

# S4 method for ANY,character
addPackage(name, session = NULL)

# S4 method for ANY,missingOrNULL
addPackage(name, session = NULL)

# S4 method for ANY,Session
addPackage(name, session = NULL)



character string. The name or file path of the package to install


Session object. If NULL (default), session() will be used


Invisibly returns TRUE upon success (i.e.successful install) and FALSE upon failure.


if (FALSE) {
# Create a new SyncroSim Session
mySession <- session()

# Add package from the package server
addPackage("stsim", session = mySession)

# Add package using a local file path