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Create or open a Chart from a SyncroSim Project.


chart(ssimObject = NULL, chart = NULL, create = FALSE, summary = FALSE)

# S4 method for class 'character'
chart(ssimObject = NULL, chart = NULL, create = FALSE, summary = FALSE)

# S4 method for class 'SsimObject'
chart(ssimObject = NULL, chart = NULL, create = FALSE, summary = FALSE)



Project or Scenario object


character or integer. If character, then will either open an existing chart if create=FALSE, or will create a new chart with the given name if the chart does not exist yet or create=TRUE. If integer, will open the existing chart with the given chart ID (if the ID exists). If no value is provided and create=TRUE, a new chart will be created with the default naming convention (e.g. "_Chart1", "_Chart2")


logical. Whether to create a new chart if the chart name given already exists in the SyncroSim library. If FALSE (Default), then will return the existing chart with the given name. If TRUE, then will return a new chart with the same name as an existing chart (but different chart ID)


logical. If TRUE, returns a summary of chart information as an R data.frame. If FALSE (Default), then returns a SyncroSim Chart object


A Chart object representing a SyncroSim chart


# \donttest{
# Set the file path and name of the new SsimLibrary
myLibraryName <- file.path(tempdir(),"testlib")

# Set the SyncroSim Session, SsimLibrary, Project, and Scenario
mySession <- session()
myLibrary <- ssimLibrary(name = myLibraryName, 
                         session = mySession,
                         packages = "stsim") 
#> Package <stsim v4.3.5> added
myProject <- project(myLibrary, project = "My Project")
myScenario <- scenario(myProject, scenario = "My Scenario")

# Create a new chart
myChart <- chart(myProject, chart = "New Chart")
# }
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